All Adults articles – Page 150
What am I doing?
An American English worksheet to mime an activity for the rest of the class to guess.
What am I going to do?
A British English worksheet to mime the actions leading up to something you are going to do. To guess what other members of the class are going to do by watching their mime.
What am I doing?
A British English worksheet to mime an activity for the rest of the class to guess.
What am I going to do?
An American English worksheet to mime the actions leading up to something you are going to do. To guess what other members of the class are going to do by watching their mime.
The grass is always greener
A British English worksheet to write and talk about things you wish you had or hadn't done.
The grass is always greener
An American English worksheet to write sentences about things you regret about your present state.
Cambridge ESOL: Skills for Life: Alphabet and telephone books
This lesson aims to help students put words in alphabetical order and locate names.
Lesson Share: Team games: The alphabet code
This activity is an excellent way to revise vocabulary or build up a new lexical set.
Alphabet game
An American English worksheet to play a word game by following instructions and doing forfeits when the rules are broken.
Alphabet game
A British English worksheet to play a word game by following instructions and doing forfeits when the rules are broken.
Culture news lessons: We are all teenagers
Culture is dominated by the concerns of young people.
It's all wrong
An American English worksheet to practice giving reasons why things are wrong.
British English: It's all in your mind – worksheet and teacher's notes
To highlight the metaphorical meanings of several words related to the mind.
Lesson Share: Grammar: My alibi
To practise past continuous interrupted by another action or by a specific time, in a business setting.
Reading lesson plans: Alcohol
Students complete a series of activities based on a text about alcohol.
Album tracks
A British English worksheet to complete titles of a Michael Jackson album by reading clues.
Lesson Share: ESOL: Alan's story
This lesson prepares students for writing a short text on personal experience through reading and speaking activities.
Mistakes at the airport
A British English worksheet: In each of the signs, there is a spelling mistake (an extra letter). For each one, correct the mistake and put the extra letter in the small square.