All Adults articles – Page 62

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    Topics: Environment

    Students are introduced to the topic of the environment in this instalment of Adrian Tennant’s Topics series. The lesson is available at two language levels (Pre-intermediate and Intermediate +) and gives students practice in reading, listening and speaking skills, as well as exercises focusing on grammar and vocabulary. ...

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    A ghost's guide to London: Episode 3: Notting Hill

    Lord Jeffrey, the Ghost of London, takes students on an audio tour of the Notting Hill area. In this lesson students will: learn about the Notting Hill; practise listening for gist and reconstructing audio stories from memory; compare and contrast standard forms of English with colloquial expressions and then practise ...

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    Business Spotlight: Outdoor office

    This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight, features a man who has managed to turn his hobby into his career and start an ecological consultancy business.

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    A ghost’s guide to London: Episode 2: King’s Road

    Lord Jeffrey, the Ghost of London, takes students on a swinging audio tour of the King’s Road. In this lesson students will: learn about the King’s Road; practise listening for gist and reconstructing audio stories from memory; compare and contrast standard forms of English with colloquial expressions and then practise ...

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    Bliss: Part 4

    Part 4 of this story concludes with Bertha falling victim to a grave misunderstanding. In this lesson, the students will: predict the ending of the story; listen for detail; discuss the meaning and symbolism of the story; explore the adoption of characters’ voices when storytelling; act out a dialogue between ...

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    Topics: Business

    Students are introduced to the topic of business in this instalment of Adrian Tennant’s Topics series. The lesson is available at two language levels (Pre-intermediate and Intermediate +) and gives students practice in reading, listening and speaking skills, as well as exercises focusing on grammar and vocabulary. 

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    Business Spotlight: Fighting back

    This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight, is about different forms of bullying in the workplace and ways to tackle them.

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    Lesson Share: ESP: The future of computers?

    Phil Wade wins the lesson share competition with a specialist lesson for IT students that profiles the Raspberry Pi pocket computer and covers common IT abbreviations.

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    Bliss: Part 3

    Part 3 of this story continues with the dinner party in full swing. Harry has finally arrived but Bertha is more preoccupied with the mysterious Miss Fulton. In this lesson, the students will: test one another on their knowledge of the details of the story up to now; listen in ...

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    Topics: Music

    Students are introduced to the topic of music in this instalment of Adrian Tennant’s Topics series. The lesson is available at two language levels (Pre-intermediate and Intermediate +) and gives students practice in reading, listening and speaking skills, as well as exercises focusing on grammar and vocabulary. 

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    Business Spotlight: A marathon, not a sprint

    This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight magazine, is about London hosting the Olympic Games and the disruption and challenges this may cause people living in the city. 

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    Topics: Family

    Students are introduced to the topic of family in this instalment of Adrian Tennant’s Topics series, available at two levels.

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    Tech Tools for Teachers: Word Clouds

    In the third instalment of his series, Nik Peachey looks at word clouds and how they can be used to help students develop their vocabulary, understanding of syntax and reading and speaking skills. Nik provides a comprehensive overview article on word clouds, a downloadable lesson plan, and a printable how-to guide.

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    Bliss: Part 2

    Part 2 of this story continues with Bertha and Harry holding a dinner party, however, their colourful guests are here but Harry hasn’t arrived home yet. In this lesson, the students will: recall details of the life of the protagonist; listen to a description in order to complete a drawing ...

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    The pub

    This mini-play features two men playing darts in a pub in Swansea. The lesson contains a downloadable mp3 audio file and a lesson plan with student worksheets and teacher’s notes.

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    Business Spotlight: Do Americans work too much?

    In this lesson, based on two articles from Business Spotlight magazine, two working Americans offer their differing opinions on whether Americans work more hours than they should. 

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    Lesson Share: Complaining with confidence

    Genevieve White’s winning lesson allows students to practise the art of complaining in two entertaining role-plays.

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    Tech Tools for Teachers: Digital Narrative

    In the second instalment of his series, Nik Peachey looks at digital narrative and how it can be used to help students develop their communication skills both inside and outside the classroom. Nik provides a comprehensive overview article on digital narrative, a downloadable lesson plan and a printable how-to guide.

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    Bliss: Part 1

    This advanced-level story, by Katherine Mansfield, is set in London in the early 1900s. It is about a woman called Bertha who is overcome with happiness because she has everything – but all is not as it seems. It is told in four parts; each part contains audio and an ...

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    Topics: Love

    Introduce your students to the topic of love with this amazing lesson by Adrian Tennant.