All American English articles – Page 19
Flashcards: The weather
A set of downloadable flashcards on the topic of the weather to print and use in class.
Differences in American and British English grammar - article
An article by Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield on recognizing grammatical differences between American and British English.
Differences in American and British English grammar - tips and activities
Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield provide a selection of useful tips and ideas for recognizing grammatical differences between American and British English.
Group lterature - worksheet
To practice writing, reading and speaking in the present simple, past simple and past progressive tenses.
Sentences in a hat - teacher's notes
To complete unfinished sentences. To pick sentences out of a hat and find out who wrote them by asking questions.
Do it yourself?
An American English worksheet to speak to as many partners as possible about jobs that need doing.
What's wrong?
An American English worksheet to write affirmative and negative sentences with there is/there are + a, an, some, any.
What went wrong?
An American English worksheet to speak to as many partners as possible, commenting on things which went wrong on vacation.
I do it my way
An American English worksheet to talk about the way people do everyday activities and to guess what the activites are.
What's your verdict?
An American English worksheet to read court cases and say whether you think people are guilty or not guilty. To guess the court's verdict.