All Article articles – Page 17
Writing matters: Planning, drafting and editing
Writing is a process. Good writers plan what they will write, come up with ideas, draft, revise and edit. This article will give some practical ideas for how students can be taught to become good writers.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: check
Check phrasal verbs off your list as you check out Tim Bowen’s latest article.
Your English: Word Grammar: extra
Tim Bowen offers a little something extra with this helpful article.
Your English: Collocations: honour (n)
It’s a huge honour for us to share Tim Bowen’s take on this honourable word.
Your English: Idioms: call (n)
Stuck on idioms? Make this Your English your next port of call.
Your English: Word grammar: deep
We feel a deep gratitude to Tim Bowen as he goes deep into the world of word grammar.
Your English: Collocations: hoax
It’s no hoax, Tim Bowen’s back with another look at these handy collocations!
Your English: Phrasal verbs: call (2)
Struggling with phrasal verbs? Just call on Tim Bowen.
Business Spotlight: Should staff have unlimited holidays?
This lesson, which is based on an article from Business Spotlight, explores the question of unlimited holidays for staff.
Your English: Word grammar: dead
We say Tim Bowen’s dead right as he looks at the word grammar of this useful word.
Your English: Collocations: hidden
Tim Bowen showcases his hidden talents as he explains the hidden meanings in this batch of collocations.
Your English: Idioms: business
Tim Bowen shows he means business with this little article. We think it’s the business!
Business Spotlight: Geek-in-chief
This lesson, which is based on an article from Business Spotlight, focuses on Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo. Students discuss women in top positions and the character traits of their ideal boss.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: call
We’ve called in Tim Bowen to help with these tricky phrasal verbs.
Your English: Word grammar: cross
If word grammar is making you cross, let Tim Bowen help you out.
Your English: Collocations: harsh
We’ve no harsh criticism for Tim Bowen here, as he shows once again why he’s the master of Your English.
Your English: Idioms: burn
If idioms have you burning the midnight oil, look no further – Tim Bowen’s here to help.
Survival Guide: EFL exams
Here is a quick guide to EFL exams to help you choose the right ones for your students.