All British English articles – Page 103
Words into numbers
A British English worksheet: In this puzzle, the clues are the areas of countries. Read the words and put the numbers into the grid.
But what are they doing now?
A British English worksheet to facilitate speaking to as many partners as possible, asking and answering questions about jobs and leisure activities.
Ten years from now…
A British English worksheet to make predictions about what people will be doing ten years from now.
Writing skills: news story
To help students produce writing with a higher occurrence of lexical variation, complex sentences and appropriate use of passive structures.
They're neighbours
A British English worksheet to write sentences about pictures and then to play a matching game.
A British English worksheet to dictate part of a story and to write down what your partner dictates to you.
Names and numbers
A British English worksheet to write names and numbers and to guess what your partner's names and numbers mean.
What are their names?
A British English worksheet to find out people's names by describing them.
Mixed-ability teens: Problem-solving
Techniques for dealing with mixed ability students: problem-solving.
Mixed vegetables
A British English worksheet to put the letters of each word in the correct order then put the words in the corrext place to complete the crossword.
Mixed recipes
A British English worksheet to put recipes in the correct order to practise using the imperative or the present simple.
Mistakes on the signpost
A British English worksheet to correct the spelling mistakes in the words on the signpost.
Typing mistakes
A British English worksheet to fill in the missing letters and correct the typing mistakes.
Round the world in ten minutes
A British English worksheet to talk about things you've done and things you haven't done yet by playing a board game.
Minimal resources: Teaching vocabulary
Adrian Tennant gives us some useful tips and ideas for teaching vocabulary with minimal resources.