All British English articles – Page 117
A British English worksheet to write about favourite things and to find people in the class with the same favourite things.
Reading lesson plans: Fat Frank
Students complete a series of activities based on a text about obesity.
Family matters
A British English worksheet to find out information about members of the class by asking and answering questions.
Find the family
A British English worksheet to find letters in famous landmarks to make pronouns.
True or false?
A British English worksheet to write true and false sentences about likes and dislikes and to guess a partner's true and false sentences.
Interesting facts
A British English worksheet to write the numbers from the facts in figures and add them together to find the number that is missing from the last fact.
Facts and myths
A British English worksheet to guess common myths and compare them with the facts that disprove them.
Writing skills: Fables
An enjoyable one-/two-hour lesson as a basis for writing a fable. Students produce an original fable, using narrative target language.
Imaginative materials: fab phone features
Mobile phones have many features and can provide great opportunities for activities. Here are a few ideas to get the most out mobiles in lessons.
Unsolved mysteries (mysteries and possible explanations)
A British English worksheet to read about unsolved mysteries and to speculate about possible explanations.
Sorry, I can explain!
A British English worksheet to decode the sentences and match each apology with the correct explanation.
Are you experienced?
A British English worksheet to read a list of life experiences and find out how experienced you are.
Painting exhibition
A British English worksheet to take verbs from the box to complete the titles of the paintings.
Pronunciation exercises: Pre-intermediate
A selection of pronunciation exercises for pre-intermediate students.
Pronunciation exercises: Starter/beginner
Pronunciation exercises for zero beginner and false beginner students.
Lesson Share: Exchanging information: Identity swap
This activity is good for practising questions and listening to the answers - which students don't do all the time!