All British English articles – Page 132
Cambridge ESOL: Skills for Life: Using catalogues
This lesson aims to help students to use an index, scan, locate information, read and write reference numbers.
Cambridge ESOL: Skills for Life: Computers
This lesson aims to help students learn vocabulary associated with computers.
Cambridge ESOL: Skills for Life: Contract of employment
This lesson aims to help students with reading and the language of contracts.
Cambridge ESOL: Skills for Life: Form filling
This lesson aims to help students with form filling.
Cambridge ESOL: Skills for Life: Signs
This lesson aims to help students learn the formal language used in signs.
Cambridge ESOL: Skills for Life: Supermarkets and sales
This lesson aims to help students learn comparatives and superlatives by comparing prices and supermarkets.
Cambridge ESOL: Skills for Life: Text messages
This lesson aims to help students understand abbreviations commonly used in text messages.
Cambridge ESOL: Skills for Life: Using the Yellow Pages
This lesson aims to help students practice a number of situations using the Yellow Pages to locate information.
Pronunciation skills: what is it called?
Focus on pronouncing stress patterns in compound nouns.
Cambridge ESOL: Skills for Life: Calendars and dates
This lesson aims to help students with days, months, numbers and ordinals.
A British English worksheet to find words by entering numbers into a calculator and turning it upside down.
Can you make a cake?
A British English worksheet to speak to as many partners as possible, asking and answering questions about abilities.
Exams: FCE or CAE cloze practice games
Three games to liven up exam class practice for the open cloze exam tasks, and to make sure students really know their way around the exam.
Lesson Share: Children: Let's buy a robot!
A short activitiy to review greetings, introductions, spelling, age, place of origin, imperatives and ability.
Culture news lessons: English butler
English butler leads China's latest cultural revolution.
Culture news lessons: English butler teacher's notes
English butler leads China's latest cultural revolution.
Types of business
Students practise a range of different skills in relation to types of business.
One-to-one methodology: Situation two – dealing with reluctant business English learners
How do you encourage an in-company student to learn business English, when they'd prefer to chat about their family? Alex Case provides tips and advice for dealing with this situation, including a sample lesson plan.
Lesson Share: Business: Job interviews in English
To provide university-level students with an opportunity to practise job interviews in English using discussion and role play.
Lesson Share: Business: Business phrasal verbs
Introducing and practising some key phrasal verbs used in the workplace. Talking about the recruitment process, listening for specific information.