All British English articles – Page 144
Methodology: absolute beginners
An article offering suggestions and advice on teaching absolute beginners.
Lesson Share: Speaking: A round table talk about the environment
To develop speaking skills; to reinforce the vocabulary on the topic; to encourage the students to think over and discuss the problems of the environment.
Lesson Share: Team games: 'Seven letters', 'Winner takes all' and 'Talk about it'
Three short team activities.
Phrase of the week: to beat about the bush
Tim Bowen sheds some light on the origins and definition of the phrase to beat about the bush.
Listening skills lesson plans: Talking about your family
Listening for specific information, listening for details and recognising context.
Listening skills lesson plans: Talking about first dates
Listening for details and listening for specific information.
Listening skills lesson plans: Talking about birthdays
Listening for details and listening for specific information
Listening skills lesson plans: Talking about people
Listening for specific information and listening for details
Writing skills: Thinking about writing
This lesson looks at a few techniques for ‘thinking’ about writing. There are 3 tasks: brainstorming, loop writing and speed writing.
Talk about routines
A British English worksheet to play a board game by asking and answering questions about routines.
Ten things you should know about dreams
A British English worksheet to answer and discuss statements in a questionnaire about dreams.
What do you know about the world?
A British English worksheet to play a game of noughts and crosses by choosing the correct answers to questions about world facts.
Grammar: The past and future forms of 'be able to'
Provide students with the tools to explain reasons for absence clearly and politely.
Speaking 9: Changing the topic
Students learn expressions for responding in conversation and changing the topic, then play a discussion game.
Modal verbs 9
A British English worksheet to complete the activities to practise using modal verbs for deduction.
Minimal resources: 8 writing activities
Adrian Tennant and Lindsay Clandfield provide us with some inspiring activities for teaching writing with minimal resources.
Minimal resources: 8 fun intermediate and above activities
Miles Craven provides some fun and valuable ideas for teaching intermediate and above students with minimal resources.
Modal verbs 8
A British English worksheet to complete the activities to practise using modal verbs for deduction.