All British English articles – Page 34
Your English: Phrasal verbs: bring (2)
Tim Bowen’s certainly not bringing us down as he brings forward his explanation of these phrasal verbs.
Your English: Word grammar: bum
There’s no bumming around for Tim Bowen as he shows why word grammar is never a bum deal.
Beyond: Arts and Media: Artists
In this lesson, students give opinions about art, draw a picture, pretend to be art critics, describe a picture of a room and talk about their own room.
Business Spotlight: MOOCs: A rising tide
This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight, is about the rising popularity of MOOCs and covers strategies for looking at the pronunciation of acronyms.
Macmillan Life Skills: Communicate / Cooperate – A class or company newsletter
In this Macmillan Life Skills lesson, students work together as a whole class to create a one-page newsletter developing the following life skills: cooperation, communication and time management.
Lesson Share: A carnival story
Catherine Zgouras wins the lesson share competition with this fun-filled lesson for young learners.
The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 9
The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 9, Tom gets used to life as King of England and has to make some important decisions.
Ideal room: There is / there are
Students talk about their ideal room and then compare with their partner’s using there is and there are. They end the activity with a timed memory game working in groups of four.
Your English: Collocations: goal
Tim Bowen achieves his primary goal with these useful collocations.
Your English: Idioms: bit (noun)
Tim Bowen’s got the bit between his teeth as he does his bit for Your English.
The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 8
The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 8, we learn more about Miles Hendon and he and the Prince become friends.
The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 7
The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 7, Edward finds himself in trouble in the street again, but this time he is saved by a friendly stranger.
The Importance of Being Earnest: Part 8
The audio and activities for the eighth part of this upper-intermediate-level Macmillan Reader are now available for all Staff Room members. In Part 8, a very strange coincidence has far-reaching consequences for our romantic couples. But will it end happily for them all?
Your English: Phrasal verbs: bring (1)
Tim Bowen brings back memories with a look at these handy phrasal verbs.
Macmillan Life Skills: Respect Others – Confrontation
In this Macmillan Life Skills lesson, students role play mini-conversations about difficult situations at work developing the following life skills: handling criticism, receiving and giving feedback.
Your English: Word grammar: budget
Tim Bowen offers some quality advice as he shows us how to budget.
The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 6
The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 6, Tom learns how to be a prince; just in time for the Grand Banquet. But terrible news arrives that means Tom won’t be a prince for much longer.
Your English: Collocations: glory
Once again, Tim Bowen covers himself in glory as he explains the collocates of this glorious word.
Lesson Share: Bon voyage
Dan Cornford wins the lesson share competition with a lesson on reading and retelling travel anecdotes.
Beyond: Knowledge: Learning
In this lesson, students complete a questionnaire to find out about their learning style, work in groups to write suggestions on how to improve their learning and discover the history of encyclopaedias.