All British English articles – Page 58

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    Meal times and bedtime

    Pupils match activities to the appropriate time of day in this fun arts and craft exercise.

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    In this lesson plan, pupils add primary colours to determine the resulting secondary and tertiary colours and use a numbered key to colour a picture. Teacher’s notes include suggested warm up activities to relate the lesson to students’ own experiences with colour, as well as additional project ideas.

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    An obstacle course

    In this lesson plan, pupils create an obstacle course using cut-outs to practise ‘over’, ‘through’ and other prepositions of movement.

  • Photo of cut-outs of shapes.

    A shape exhibition

    A great lesson plan that uses coloured pencils and cut-outs to introduce or review shapes.

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    British English vocabulary lesson: Hospital

    This lesson plan, available at Elementary and Upper intermediate levels, practises vocabulary connected with hospitals.

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    Money and banks

    Students examine different types of currency, examining the advantages and disadvantages of bartering for goods, ‘commodity money’ such as gold or salt and ‘fiat money’, such as coins and notes. They read about what services banks offer, why we use them and how they make money. Listening exercises focus on ...

  • Photo of employers and employees together or photo of people working, in a factory or in a farm for example, to illustarte the concept of 'labour'.


    Focuses on the relationship between employers and workers, how laws of supply and demand operate in the labour market and companies’ need for ‘output’.

  • Photo to illustrate the concept of 'economy'.

    Economic systems

    The class is introduced to the notion of a ’traditional’ or ’subsistence’ economy, looking at its benefits and drawbacks. Students learn about the market economy, comparing free market economies to an actual street market. Listening exercises focus on pygmy societies, in particular the Mbuti tribe of central Africa, and Adam ...

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    Reading: Django Reinhardt

    A reading worksheet about the life of the virtuoso jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt. Student exercises focus on comprehension and discussion.

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    Students are introduced to the topic of branding in this instalment of David Baker’s Marketing series. Students read a text about different types of branding and listen to a conversation between a marketing manager and an intern about branding.

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    Business Spotlight: New beginnings

    This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight magazine, covers the topic of immigration in Canada – which is considered a model for successful immigration policy.

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    The Secret Garden: Chapter 5

    The audio and activities for the fifth chapter of this pre-intermediate-level Macmillan Reader are now available for all Staff Room members. Mary meets Dickon, and trusts him enough to tell him about the secret garden …

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    Dominoes: Infinitives of purpose

    A domino team game that practises infinitives of purpose: to, in order to, so as to and negatives so as not to and in order not to.

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    Is the car of tomorrow here today?

    A reading worksheet on what hybrid cars are and how they work. Student exercises focus on comprehension and discussion.

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    Matching activity: Question tags

    A matching activity at upper intermediate level to practise correct use of question tags.

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    Nightmare neighbours

    This mini-play features two next-door neighbours talking over the fence in Norfolk. The lesson contains a downloadable MP3 audio file and a PDF with student worksheets and teacher’s notes.

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    Business Spotlight: Daring to fail

    This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight magazine, features an interview with a businesswoman, Anna Koark, who talks about her experience of insolvency. 

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    Poor Persephone!

    A reading worksheet on the Greek myth that explains why there are different seasons during the year. Student exercises focus on comprehension and discussion.

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    The Secret Garden: Chapter 3

    The audio and activities for the third chapter of this pre-intermediate-level Macmillan Reader are now available for all Staff Room members. Mary becomes more intrigued by the secret garden and hears strange noises in the house …

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    Business Spotlight: Great expectations

    This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight magazine, is about intercultural communication and how different countries and cultures conduct business deals.