All British English articles – Page 59

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    The Road Less Travelled Christmas special: Episode 1: Preparations

    Katie’s acting career has gone from strength to strength and Michael’s poetry has led him into the theatre world of New York. Meanwhile, back in LA, things aren’t going so well for Sal and Rich …

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    Charles Dickens

    A worksheet about the life of the famous English author Charles Dickens, whose novels include Great Expectations, David Copperfield and Oliver Twist.

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    Taking a chance!

    Students read an article about the lottery in Britain and the chances of winning it. The exercises focus on comprehension checking and mathematics.

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    The Secret Garden: Chapter 2

    The audio and activities for the second chapter of this pre-intermediate-level Macmillan Reader are now available for all Staff Room members. Mary explores her new home and meets some interesting characters …

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    Business Spotlight: Do women need quotas to get to the top?

    In this lesson, based on two articles from Business Spotlight magazine, two professionals offer their opinions on whether quotas are necessary to help women get to the top of their professions. 

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    Nip and tuck

    This mini-play features two women talking about plastic surgery in a café in Croydon, south London. The lesson contains a downloadable MP3 audio file and a PDF with student worksheets and teacher’s notes.

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    Marketing strategy

    Students are introduced to the topic of marketing strategy in this instalment of David Baker's Marketing series. Students read a text about European low-cost airlines and listen to a conversation between a marketing manager and an intern about marketing strategy.

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    The bank

    This mini-play features two women who are gossiping while waiting to be served in a bank in Essex. The lesson contains a downloadable MP3 audio file and a PDF with student worksheets and teacher's notes.

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    Business Spotlight: All together now

    This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight magazine, looks at the reality of multi-generational workplaces and the methods that can be adopted to keep everyone happy. 

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    Sex sells

    Discussing controversial subjects.

  • Photo of a wedding party.

    The wedding party

    A speaking mingle activity with emphasis on oral fluency; students practise making small talk at a wedding, share secrets and do some gossiping.

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    The office party

    A speaking mingle activity with emphasis on oral fluency; students practise making small talk at an office social event and share secrets.

  • Photo of a group of students learning a different language.

    Learning languages

    A questionnaire and interview activity. Students interview each other and discuss languages. They then self assess what they can do orally in English.

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    Students role-play a series of arguments that take place on a hot summer's day.

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    And the Oscar goes to ...

    An information-gap activity for talking about the movies.

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    The world's funniest joke

    The use of present tenses when telling a joke in English; pausing and rhythm in pronunciation.

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    Exploring space

    The following activities are all connected to the theme of space and space travel.

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    A discussion class where students decide who gets what in a divorce, then discuss issues around divorce.

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    Dramatic dialogues

    Using dialogues to practise intonation, functions and structures.

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    Culture shock

    Students discuss how adaptable they are and then learn about the different stages of culture shock.