All Celebrations / Holidays / Festivals articles – Page 6

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    Live from London: The monarchy

    In the weeks leading up to Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee, onestopenglish’s reporters took a trip to St James’s Park, in the shadow of Buckingham Palace, to ask locals and tourists for their opinion on the British royal family.

  • Photo of Diwali celebrations.


    This lesson introduces the Hindu ‘Festival of Lights’ through arts and crafts. Pupils draw and colour rangolis and create a Diwali lantern.

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    New Year

    What do you do on New Year’s Eve? Do you watch fireworks? Do you make a resolution? In this lesson plan, young learners label pictures, circle the correct words to describe their New Year celebrations, and draw and label their favourite New Year’s Eve activity, while practising sentence formation and ...

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    In this lesson plan, young learners match Christmas words such as ‘mistletoe’ and ‘candles’ to pictures, decorate and describe a Christmas tree, and create their own Advent calendar to count down to Christmas. The activities teach about the holiday’s traditions while consolidating the singular and plural forms of the verb ’be’.

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    Summer solstice

    In this lesson plan, pupils match sentence halves, number a series of pictures and identify words hidden in a picture to describe the ways people celebrate the longest day of the year. The worksheet includes fun colouring and drawing exercises and helps pupils practise forming sentences and reading aloud.

  • Photo of Nevruz celebrations, in either Turkey or Iran. If too hard to find, photo of Turkish or Iran landscape.


    A lesson plan to introduce young learners to this festival, celebrated in Turkey and Iran to mark the beginning of spring. Pupils match sentence halves and identify the corresponding picture to learn about the traditions associated with this holiday, from painting eggs to (don’t try this at home) jumping over ...

  • Halloween Jack O' Lantern


    Trick or treat! This is a lesson plan to teach pupils about the costumes and traditions associated with this ‘ghoulish’ festival, popular in many English-speaking countries, while reinforcing the present continuous. Pupils solve riddles to guess the Halloween character, draw and describe a Halloween costume, and use patterns to create ...

  • Photo of Carnival characters or photo of children wearing Carnival costumes.


    This lesson plan inspires creativity while consolidating important verbs such as ‘sing’, dance’ and ‘wear’. Students match phrases to pictures, learn a fun rhyme, and draw and describe a Carnival costume.

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    Speaking Games: The Christmas Stocking Board Game

    Get your students in the Christmas spirit and help them improve their oral fluency with Lindsay Clandfield’s fun & festive board game.

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    Live from London: The economy

    Onestopenglish visits the Houses of Parliament to find out whether locals and tourists are worried about the world's economic situation.

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    Live from London: Art

    We went to Trafalgar Square to find out what tourists and visitors of the National Gallery had to say about art.

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    Live from London: News

    The onestopenglish reporters are back in London, asking locals and visitors questions about their daily lives. We went to Covent Garden and asked people about the news.

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    Live from London: Music

    The onestopenglish reporters are back in London, asking locals and visitors questions about their daily lives. We went to Covent Garden and asked people about the importance of music in their lives.

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    Live from London: New Year

    This is the second of our two Live from London 'Christmas specials'. We went to the South Bank and asked people about their resolutions for the new year.

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    Live from London: Christmas audio special

    This is the first of two 'Christmas special' Live from London podcasts. We went to Covent Garden and asked people the question: "What's a typical Christmas for you?"

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    Live from London: Living in London

    In this listening lesson we went out in King's Cross, north London to ask people the question: "How do you feel about Living in London?".

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    Live from London: Smoking ban

    We went to Euston station and asked people what they thought of the new smoking ban in the UK.

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    Live from London: Learning English

    In this authentic listening podcast, we asked students and teachers what the most difficult thing about learning English is.

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    Live from London: Perfect day

    We went to Green Park and asked people what they thought was a perfect day out in London.

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    Live from London: Sights

    We went to the Tate Modern and asked people the question: "What sights have you seen so far in London?".