All Economics articles – Page 2
Beyond: Knowledge: Living in the past
In this two-part lesson, students will read about life in the year 1900.
Matura: Speaking: Consumer society
A speaking lesson to prepare students to talk about our consumer society.
Beyond: Knowledge: Discoveries and inventions
In this four-part lesson, students will test their memories / knowledge, read about scientific discoveries and inventions, invent something new, and complete a patent form for a new invention.
Beyond: Knowledge: Numbers
In this two-part lesson, students match numbers with pictures, find numbers in the classroom, play a numbers game and complete a ’fill a head with numbers’ fact sheet.
Teaching tool
Business Top Trumps: Lesson 12—Making proposals
In this lesson, students learn about the language of corporate responsibility through future forms, conditionals, and modals.
Farming in Britain
Students match agricultural terms with their definitions before reading about or listening to a British farmer and his son talk about the differences between farming now and in 1950.
Teaching tool
Business Top Trumps: Lesson 11—Presentations
In this lesson, students learn different ways of starting and giving a presentation.
Teaching tool
Business Top Trumps: Lesson 10—Setting personal goals
In this lesson, students can discuss setting and achieving work goals and what changes they can make to improve their performance.
Beyond: Knowledge: History
In this two-part lesson, students read about how Hollywood changes history, discuss historical quotes, do a historical fact quiz and write a fact sheet.
Teaching tool
Business Top Trumps: Lesson 9—Dilemmas
In this lesson, students learn about dealing with dilemmas at work and how to be objective.
Beyond: Knowledge: The brain
In this three-part lesson, students do a quiz about the human brain and test their memories, discover which side of their brain is dominant and find out about Albert Einstein.
Matura: Writing: World of Work
In this lesson focusing on writing emails, students learn to spot differences between formal and informal emails, and pick up useful phrases in an interview exercise.
Teaching tool
Business Top Trumps: Lesson 8—Negotiations
In this lesson, students can talk about various negotiation topics and experiences.
Teaching tool
Business Top Trumps: Lesson 7—Networking and small talk
In this lesson, students talk about how to initiate and continue small talk and learn the language to introduce a third person into a conversation.
Beyond: Knowledge: Dictionaries
In this lesson, students complete an information-gap activity about Samuel Johnson’s famous dictionary, learn how to be better dictionary users, identify parts of speech and compete in a dictionary quiz.
Beyond: Knowledge: Geography
In this lesson, students identify flags, create a world flag, play a team board game and complete a geography quiz.
Beyond: Knowledge: Learning
In this lesson, students complete a questionnaire to find out about their learning style, work in groups to write suggestions on how to improve their learning and discover the history of encyclopaedias.
Beyond: Knowledge: Classrooms
In this lesson, students practise describing and comparing classrooms, design their dream classroom, evaluate and discuss school subjects and revise useful classroom language.
Beyond on onestopenglish
Your teenage students will love using this fantastic series of British English lessons prepared by Karen Kovacs.
Teaching tool
Business Top Trumps: Lesson 6—Moving premises
In this lesson, students discuss moving premises and make decisions about work-from-home policies and outsourcing.
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