All Economics articles – Page 3

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    Business Top Trumps: Lesson 5—Restructuring

    In this lesson, students discuss the financial crisis and use idioms and phrases to discuss a difficult business.

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    Business Top Trumps: Lesson 4—Situations vacant

    In this lesson, students discuss what skills are needed to do a particular job, write CVs and formulate interview questions.

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    Business Top Trumps: Lesson 3—Company profile

    In this lesson, students discuss what kind of company the characters work for, answer questions about the company, and write a company profile.

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    Business Top Trumps: Lesson 2—Company structure

    In this lesson, students will complete an organigram of a fictional company and talk about their own company’s structure.

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    Business Top Trumps: Lesson 1—Playing the game

    In the first lesson of this engaging series, students get to know the Top Trumps cards and learn how to play the game.

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    Business Top Trumps: An Introduction

    Check out this original set of Business Top Trumps cards and twelve complete lesson plans and inject some fun into your Business English classes.

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    Live from London: The monarchy

    In the weeks leading up to Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee, onestopenglish’s reporters took a trip to St James’s Park, in the shadow of Buckingham Palace, to ask locals and tourists for their opinion on the British royal family.

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    Economic activity

    From agribusiness to viticulture—14 pages of vocabulary words related to farming and the economy, at a variety of levels, with definitions and contextual sentences.

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    Reading: Bar codes

    A worksheet by Katherine Stannett with reading and vocabulary activities on the topic of bar codes and how they work.

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    Money and banks

    Students examine different types of currency, examining the advantages and disadvantages of bartering for goods, ‘commodity money’ such as gold or salt and ‘fiat money’, such as coins and notes. They read about what services banks offer, why we use them and how they make money. Listening exercises focus on ...

  • Photo of employers and employees together or photo of people working, in a factory or in a farm for example, to illustarte the concept of 'labour'.


    Focuses on the relationship between employers and workers, how laws of supply and demand operate in the labour market and companies’ need for ‘output’.

  • Photo to illustrate the concept of 'economy'.

    Economic systems

    The class is introduced to the notion of a ’traditional’ or ’subsistence’ economy, looking at its benefits and drawbacks. Students learn about the market economy, comparing free market economies to an actual street market. Listening exercises focus on pygmy societies, in particular the Mbuti tribe of central Africa, and Adam ...

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    Live from London: The economy

    Onestopenglish visits the Houses of Parliament to find out whether locals and tourists are worried about the world's economic situation.

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    Live from London: Art

    We went to Trafalgar Square to find out what tourists and visitors of the National Gallery had to say about art.

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    Live from London: News

    The onestopenglish reporters are back in London, asking locals and visitors questions about their daily lives. We went to Covent Garden and asked people about the news.

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    Live from London: Music

    The onestopenglish reporters are back in London, asking locals and visitors questions about their daily lives. We went to Covent Garden and asked people about the importance of music in their lives.

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    Live from London: New Year

    This is the second of our two Live from London 'Christmas specials'. We went to the South Bank and asked people about their resolutions for the new year.

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    Live from London: Christmas audio special

    This is the first of two 'Christmas special' Live from London podcasts. We went to Covent Garden and asked people the question: "What's a typical Christmas for you?"

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    American English vocabulary lessons: the letter J

    J is for jobs. A comprehensive lesson plan by Lindsay Clandfield in which students work with dictionaries to learn vocabulary items related to jobs. The lesson includes a section on culture, where students read and talk about illegal workers in America.

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    Live from London: Living in London

    In this listening lesson we went out in King's Cross, north London to ask people the question: "How do you feel about Living in London?".