All Extra articles – Page 8
Lesson Share: Spelling: Proofreading challenge
A warmer to practise correcting spelling and punctuation.
Lesson Share: Spelling: Word chain
This warmer/lesson filler gets students to focus on a topic and listen to their classmates.
Lesson Share: Team games: The categories game
This activity can be used to recycle or brainstorm vocabulary and is appropriate for all levels.
Lesson Share: Dictations: Cannibalizing warmers
These three warmers were created by taking parts of diifferent activities and switching them around to create new activities.
Lesson Share: Children: Let's buy a robot!
A short activitiy to review greetings, introductions, spelling, age, place of origin, imperatives and ability.
Lesson Share: Team games: 'Board relay race' and 'True or false'
A team warmer for brainstorming and an amusing icebreaker exercise.
Lesson Share: Children: Mr Lemon has a birthday party
To recycle colours, clothes, introductions, age, abilities, likes, dislikes, set expressions (here you are, thank you, you're welcome).
Lesson Share: Memory games: Vocabulary bingo
Here is an exciting warmer for students which helps them to revise vocabulary learned in previous lessons.
Lesson Share: Debates: Nothing better than my country
Students try to convince tourists to go to their country.
Lesson Share: Memory games: Being observant
An exercise that can be used either as an introduction to a vocabulary lesson based on clothes, colours and patterns or as revision of this area of language.
Lesson Share: Teenagers: The balloon game
A fun game to energize students and foster cooperation / team spirit.
Teenagers: Warmers: The balloon game
A fun way to introduce a new topic and to foster cooperation and team spirit.
Lesson Share: Spelling: Spelling ball
A simple and very fun game that warms students up and encourages creativity and correct spelling.
Lesson Share: Memory games: Clap back
Clap back is good for breaking the ice in a lesson, getting a little energy into the classroom, improving pronunciation and developing general memory skills.
Lesson Share: Pictures: Auction game
This exercise involves students bidding on items in an auction, and is good for writing practice and discussion.
Lesson Share: Pictures: Art gallery
A fun warmer where students create an art gallery on the board.
Lesson Share: Discussions: One minute, any topic (any time)!
This is an all-time favourite among the students I've taught over the years as it energizes students and enables students to practise listening and speaking.
Lesson Share: Exchanging information: Don't answer back
I got this idea from a quiz show on a radio programme last year. It guarantees confusion and lots of laughter in the classroom, perfect for teenagers.