All Grammar articles – Page 4
Lesson Share: -ed and -ing adjectives
Véronique Ward wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson to help you teach the difference between -ed and -ing adjectives.
Teaching tool
Grammarman: Episode 1—Introducing Grammarman
Meet Grammarman, our correction-crusading hero, and his friends who defend Verbo City from bad English.
Lesson Share: Verb game
Abigail Kollas wins this month’s Lesson Share with a game practising the past simple and past participle forms of irregular verbs.
Lesson Share: Speculation and deduction
Stephanie Valerio wins this month’s Lesson Share with ideas on teaching modal verbs of speculation and deduction.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 20 - Revision and Consolidation
Help your absolute beginner students review and consolidate what they learned in past units with this lesson by Frances Marnie.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 19
In this lesson, on the theme of the world online, students learn language related to apps and the internet.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 18
In this lesson, on the theme of the world of work, students learn language related to jobs and employment.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 17
In this lesson, on the theme of at the dentist, students learn language related to their teeth and dental care.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 16
In this lesson, on the theme of at a health centre, students learn language related to health and medical treatment.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 15
This lesson is a consolidation of past units, especially Units 11 to 14.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 14
In this lesson, on the theme of out and about, students learn language related to timekeeping and making arrangements.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 13
In this lesson, on the theme of home, students learn language related to the house and life at home.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 12
In this lesson, on the theme of shopping: clothes, students learn language related to shopping and paying for clothes.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 11
In this lesson, on the theme of shopping: the supermarket, students learn language related to shopping and paying for food.
A Scandal in Bohemia: Chapter 5
In Chapter 5, Holmes and Watson take the king to Briony Lodge to claim the photo at last. The king is shocked to learn that Mrs Adler is now Mrs Norton and seemingly no longer loves the king. But Holmes also has a shock. It turns out he has underestimated ...
A Scandal in Bohemia: Chapter 4
In Chapter 4, Holmes puts his plan into action, hoping to trick Mrs Adler.
A Scandal in Bohemia
In Chapter 1, Holmes receives a mysterious letter advising him of an imminent visitor.
Guess: Defining relative clauses
A small-group guessing game to practise who, that/which and where.