All Grammar articles – Page 5

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    Sherlock: The Second Stain: Chapter 4

    In Chapter 4, Holmes has only one concern: to save Europe from war.

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    Sherlock: The Second Stain: Chapter 3

    In Chapter 3, Holmes still hopes to intercept the terrible letter, and he has a lead.

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    Sherlock: The Second Stain: Chapter 2

    In Chapter 2, Bellinger is persuaded to disclose the contents of the missing letter.

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    Sherlock: The Second Stain: Chapter 1

    In Chapter 1, the Prime Minister needs help with a very delicate matter.

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    Sherlock: The Norwood Builder

    In Chapter 1, McFarlane bursts into Holmes’s apartment on Baker Street and begs him for help. The police are chasing him but he has just enough time to pique Holmes’s interest before Inspector Lestrade, of Scotland Yard, rushes in.

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 16

    The audio and activities for the final part of this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 16, we find out what happens to Miles. We also learn about Tom’s future and the life of the young king.

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 15

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 15, a new king is crowned but which of the boys wears the crown? Edward, son of Henry, the rightful heir to the throne or the poor beggar boy, ’King Tom’, ...

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 14

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 14, Tom rides through the streets of London on his way to Westminster Abbey and the coronation. He is enjoying his life as future king until a chance encounter with someone ...

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 13

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 13, we hear about Tom’s life in the palace, and how he stops worrying.

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    Imagine: Future perfect

    Students write predictions about their partner. They use language such as ‘In ten year’s time’, ‘By this time tomorrow’ and ‘By 2050’ in order to practise the future perfect.

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 12

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 12, Edward and Miles find themselves in prison but help is at hand and they manage to get out. However, some disturbing news for Edward means that he can’t afford to ...

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 11

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 11, Edward goes with Miles Hendon to Hendon Hall, Miles’s family home, where he is expecting to pick up his old life where he left off ten years ago. His brother ...

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 10

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 10, Edward gets into trouble again and he finds himself even further from the palace and his position as King of England.

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 9

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 9, Tom gets used to life as King of England and has to make some important decisions.

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 8

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 8, we learn more about Miles Hendon and he and the Prince become friends.

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 7

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 7, Edward finds himself in trouble in the street again, but this time he is saved by a friendly stranger.

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 6

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 6, Tom learns how to be a prince; just in time for the Grand Banquet. But terrible news arrives that means Tom won’t be a prince for much longer.

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 5

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 5, while the rest of London is celebrating his Grand Banquet, Prince Edward continues to suffer under Mr Canty’s rule. But when Mr Canty finds himself a wanted criminal, Edward sees ...

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 4

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 4, while Edward is struggling with his predicament in the streets of London, Tom is having a very different, but just as troubling, experience in the palace.

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 3

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 3, Prince Edward finds himself out on the street, where everyone thinks he is a beggar boy. How will he get back into the palace?