All Intermediate articles – Page 54

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    Nip and tuck

    This mini-play features two women talking about plastic surgery in a café in Croydon, south London. The lesson contains a downloadable MP3 audio file and a PDF with student worksheets and teacher’s notes.

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    Marketing strategy

    Students are introduced to the topic of marketing strategy in this instalment of David Baker's Marketing series. Students read a text about European low-cost airlines and listen to a conversation between a marketing manager and an intern about marketing strategy.

  • Hot-air ballon flying over canyon

    Experiences: Present perfect

    A team game at intermediate level to practise asking and answering questions using the present perfect.

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    The bank

    This mini-play features two women who are gossiping while waiting to be served in a bank in Essex. The lesson contains a downloadable MP3 audio file and a PDF with student worksheets and teacher's notes.

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    Sex sells

    Discussing controversial subjects.

  • Photo of a wedding party.

    The wedding party

    A speaking mingle activity with emphasis on oral fluency; students practise making small talk at a wedding, share secrets and do some gossiping.

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    Students role-play a series of arguments that take place on a hot summer's day.

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    The world's funniest joke

    The use of present tenses when telling a joke in English; pausing and rhythm in pronunciation.

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    Exploring space

    The following activities are all connected to the theme of space and space travel.

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    A discussion class where students decide who gets what in a divorce, then discuss issues around divorce.

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    Culture shock

    Students discuss how adaptable they are and then learn about the different stages of culture shock.

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    Students discuss what makes them cry and attitudes towards crying. They then 'tell' each other a short article about crying.

  • Photo of a deck of cards, showing Kings, Queens and Jokers.

    The deck of conversations

    A speaking lesson plan with Kings, Queens and Jokers.

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    Celebrity crimes

    Four speaking activities all connected to the theme of celebrity crime.

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    Castaway students

    Students practice oral fluency by talking about uses for everyday objects in a difficult situation.

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    The deck of business conversations

    A speaking lesson plan with Kings, Queens and Jokers. Can be used for non-business classes but very good for small business groups and one-to-one.

  • Speaking_ChristmasStockingGame_index

    Speaking Games: The Christmas Stocking Board Game

    Get your students in the Christmas spirit and help them improve their oral fluency with Lindsay Clandfield’s fun & festive board game.

  • Photo of a blackout, ideally in New York.


    A speaking activity with emphasis on oral fluency; students role-play a series of mobile phone calls that all take place during a blackout in New York.

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    New president offers amnesty. Who will be released?

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    Drama activities

    Six drama activities for the ELT and ESOL classroom.