All Language / Skill articles – Page 15
How many people can…?
A British English worksheet to find out what people in the class can do by asking and answering questions.
How long?...
A British English worksheet to find out how long people have been doing things by asking and answering questions.
Intermediate: How much do you know?
An American English worksheet to practice the past passive.
How many uses can you think of?
A British English worksheet to invent unusual uses for ordinary objects.
A holiday to remember
A British English worksheet to describe a holiday using pictures and to collect information and fill in a chart about other students' holidays.
On holiday
A British English worksheet to predict which activities a partner likes or doesn't like doing on holiday and to find out how many predictions were right.
Incomplete history
An American English worksheet to practice asking questions using the past simple.
Hexagon race
A British English worksheet to play a game by answering language questions correctly.
Hexagon race
An American English worksheet to play a game by answering language questions correctly.
Helpful journalists
An American English worksheet to practice using verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives.
Heavy syllables
A British English worksheet to read the words aloud, then write them in the correct gaps depending on their stress pattern.
Health survey
A British English worksheet to do a health survey practising countable and uncountable nouns and food and drink vocabulary.
Health quiz
An American English worksheet to practise talking about food, diets and lifestyles.
Understanding paragraph headings
Help students to prepare for the academic reading component of the IELTS exam.
Sentences in a hat
An American English worksheet to complete unfinished sentences. To pick sentences out of a hat and find out who wrote them by asking questions.