All Language / Skill articles – Page 34
Alphabet game
An American English worksheet to play a word game by following instructions and doing forfeits when the rules are broken.
Alphabet game
A British English worksheet to play a word game by following instructions and doing forfeits when the rules are broken.
Culture news lessons: We are all teenagers
Culture is dominated by the concerns of young people.
It's all wrong
An American English worksheet to practice giving reasons why things are wrong.
Reading lesson plans: Alcohol
Students complete a series of activities based on a text about alcohol.
Mistakes at the airport
A British English worksheet: In each of the signs, there is a spelling mistake (an extra letter). For each one, correct the mistake and put the extra letter in the small square.
Before, during and after the reading test
Help students to prepare for the academic reading component of the IELTS exam with attached practice reading test.
Cambridge ESOL: Skills for Life: Classified adverts
This lesson aims to help students read car advertisements and understand abbreviations.
Advertising campaign
An American English worksheet to write and present a radio advertisement and to guess what products are being advertised.
Advertising campaign
A British English worksheet to write and present a radio advertisement and to guess what products are being advertised.
Listening skills lesson plans: Radio and television advertisements
Listening for specific information and recognising context.
Intermediate: Design a radio advertisement
An American English worksheet to practice imperatives.
Methodology: teaching at advanced levels
An article offering practical solutions for teaching English at advanced levels.
Purposeful activities
A British English worksheet to find out information about people by asking and answering questions.
Purposeful activities
An American English worksheet to find out information about people by asking and answering questions.