Language Feature: Adjectives
Teaching tool
Grammar & Vocabulary Practice: How were you feeling?
Reinforce the use of verb to be in past tense and help your students talk about thier emotions with this useful worksheet.
Teaching tool
Game Cards: Appearance and Characteristics
Have your students play with Appearance and Characteristics vocabulary with these game cards.
Vocabulary Builders: Finding what follows—Patterns in verbs, adjectives, and prepositions
Find out how learning patterns of words helps you to discover the patterns of the English language. Now with Interactive Worksheets!
Teaching tool
Game Cards: Feelings
Play with your students with this set of vocabulary game cards about emotions.
The ring game: Order of adjectives
A card game at intermediate level to practise the order of adjectives.
Adjective dominoes: Order of adjectives
A domino game at intermediate level to practise using adjectives in the correct order that can be played as a group game or a mingling game.
Grammar Lessons for Teachers: Comparative and superlative adjectives
This article by Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield covers ways to approach teaching comparatives and superlatives.
Grammar: putting adjectives in order
Many higher level coursebooks include a focus on adjective order. Here are some tips for providing practice in this confusing area.
Vocabulary Builders: Truly loving collocations
Get your students to truly love collocations and teach them words that are most commonly used together.