All Lesson Plan / Teacher's Notes articles – Page 10
Celebrations: Inti Raymi—The festival of the sun
In this lesson, available at two levels, students read texts about the historical festival of Inti Raymi in modern day South America.
Celebrations: Cinco de Mayo
In this lesson, available at two levels, students read a text about Cinco de Mayo and create a multiple-choice quiz for others to do.
Language for… medical emergencies
In this lesson, students will learn important phrases and vocabulary related to health, the human body, and contacting emergency services.
Lesson Share: My bucket list
Karolina Wyrzykowska wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson about discussing things students would like to put on their bucket list.
Everyday life: Describing your area/neighbourhood
In this lesson, available at two levels, students describe changes to an area they live in (or know well).
Celebrations: Coming Of Age
In this lesson, available at two levels, students read and discuss four short texts about four different coming-of-age celebrations worldwide.
Lesson Share: Problems, problems, problems
Susan Lucier-Ogawa wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson for practising how much/many, is there/are there any, a few/little/some/a lot of with countable and uncountable nouns.
Language for… clothes shopping
In this lesson, students will learn essential expressions and vocabulary for common conversations in a clothing store.
Everyday life: Getting to work
In this lesson, available at two levels, students ask and answer questions about their journey to work.
Celebrations: International Women’s Day
Celebrate the women who changed the world, spark discussions, and inspire your students with these engaging resources.
Language for… job interviews
In this lesson, students will learn essential phrases for a successful job interview.
Everyday life: Minor illnesses
In this lesson, available at two levels, students review vocabulary related to illness, injury and treatment.
Celebrations: Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)
In this lesson, available at two levels, students read a text about Shrove Tuesday, complete a short survey and practise talking about survey results and preferences.
Business Spotlight: Your plan for 2020
This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight, offers 20 tips that can help everybody further their career.
Lesson Share: Improv storytelling
Christian Spiteri wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson to improve confidence in telling stories.
Business Spotlight: Manna from heaven?
This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight, is about quantitative easing (QE) and what effects it could or might have on individuals and industry.
Lesson Share: Wishes and regrets
Svetlana Gavrilovic wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson to practise expressing wishes and regrets using a variety of structures.
Celebrations: Groundhog Day
In this lesson, students read a text about the American celebration of Groundhog Day, looking at the language involved.
Everyday life: Exercise
In this lesson, available at two levels, students review language vocabulary related to exercise and fitness.
Lesson Share: Winter
James Savery wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson to introduce and practise a lexical set about winter.