All Lesson Plan / Teacher's Notes articles – Page 8
All Actions Have Outcomes: Primary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students recognize the difference between action and outcome and classify these as positive and negative.
Kindness and Respect in the Community: Primary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students engage with different profiles of global citizens.
Where Are You From?: Primary (A1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students recognize different nationalities.
Be Considerate: Primary (A1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students learn how to behave in a considerate and respectful way in their community.
My Behavior Affects Others: Primary (A1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students recognize how their personal behavior can have a positive impact on others.
Healthy Choices: Primary (PreA1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students engage with ideas about healthy living through diet.
ESDC Primary (A1): Schools Around the World
Have your students compare their schools to others to help them recognize different perspectives from various global cultures.
Be Fit, Be Active: Primary (PreA1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students engage with ideas about healthy living through exercise.
Digital Skills for Teens: Elementary—Digital image-editing tools
Students read about different digital image-editing tools and what they can do with them.
Digital Skills for Teens: Pre-Intermediate—Audioblogs
Students read about creating audioblogs and using online tools to edit them.
Digital Skills for Teens: Intermediate—Digital writing tools
Students read about different tools they can use to create and edit digital texts.
Digital Skills for Teens: Upper Intermediate—Online polls
Students read about how to create online polls and how to present the information they collect.
Lesson Share: Conversations
Matt Done wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson about making polite requests with correct form and pronunciation.
Lesson Share: Political Hot Potatoes
Alice Rodgers wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson introducing adult learners to the use of political idioms.
Digital Skills for Teens: Elementary—Online polls
Students read about different types of polls and what they are used for.
Digital Skills for Teens: Intermediate—Digital voice recording tools
Students read about different tools they can use to record and share their opinions via audio recording.
Digital Skills for Teens: Upper Intermediate—Timelines
Students read about how to create timelines and how they can use them in their everyday lives.
Digital Skills for Teens: Pre-Intermediate—Video clips
Students read about creating video clips and using online tools to edit them.
Lesson Share: Discourse Markers
Stephanie Valerio wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson introducing adult learners to the use of discourse markers.
Digital Skills for Teens: Elementary—Podcasts
Students read about podcasts and then create their own to share with the class.