Students draw pictures of dogs and use them to practise making comparisons.


This activity turned out to be fun for the students because it involved them in making the material.

I used it for revising comparison of adjectives with the primary pre-intermediate groups.

Materials: You will need a drawing of a dog and a piece of paper for each student in the class.

  • Put the drawing of the dog on the board. You might also say something like this: "This is my dog Fluffy. He is big but also very nice. Do you like him?"
  • Ask your students whether they have dogs and what they look like. If they do not have dogs, ask them to imagine the one they would like to have.
  • Give each student a piece of paper and ask them to draw their dogs (either real or imaginary).
  • They should not spend too much time doing this (2-4 minutes). They can colour the dog if they want to. Remind them to sign their drawings in block letters.
  • Put the drawings on one side of the board.
  • Choose the adjectives you would like to practise (e.g. long, fat, big, ugly, beautiful, small, interesting etc.)
  • You can write an example sentence on the board as well e.g. Ana's dog is longer than Luna's.
  • Ask the students to write sentences comparing the dogs (they can do it in pairs).