Melinda Gamlen wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson for practising non-verbal communication and sentence stress in presentations.
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Melinda Gamlen wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson for practising non-verbal communication and sentence stress in presentations.
By Janet Raskin
Use these interactive materials to deliver an online or face-to-face lesson on how to use visuals in presentations.
In this lesson, students learn different ways of starting and giving a presentation.
Read about how an AI bot impersonating a grandma has successfully stopped scammers.
By Matt Done
Matt Done wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson about making polite requests with correct form and pronunciation.
Alice Rodgers wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson introducing adult learners to the use of political idioms.
Stephanie Valerio wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson introducing adult learners to the use of discourse markers.
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