This template can be used by students as they develop their own presentations about the solar system. It includes language support.
Click link to download and view these filesscsolarsystemadv1.ppt
PowerPoint, Size 0.18 mb
This template can be used by students as they develop their own presentations about the solar system. It includes language support.
These resources take a more in-depth look at the planets and contain a lesson plan, teacher’s notes and a PowerPoint presentation.
Read about how law firms are adding departments that help companies with issues caused by their use of AI.
What is the impact of having an unusual name on person’s employment prospects?
Talk with your students about the Amazon rainforest and Sahara desert ecosystems with this CLIL lesson.
Learn about Harriet Tubman, an abolitionist and social activist that rescued over 70 slaves.
Students match agricultural terms with their definitions before reading about or listening to a British farmer and his son talk about the differences between farming now and in 1950.
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