Miles Craven offers some useful techniques to use when teaching listening.
- Tell your students they shouldn’t worry that they have to understand every word they hear. Not every word is important!
- Where possible, make sure students know what they are listening for before you start listening. Explain they should focus only on the information they need.
- Give two or three general questions to check students comprehension of the basic details.
- If possible, check for any words that your students may not know. Pre-teach these so they do not interfere with understanding.
- Brainstorm students’ ideas on the topic they are going to listen to. This will help focus them.
- Don’t choose a listening that is too long. If necessary, stop the recording at certain points and review what students have understood so far.
While listening
- As a general principle, try to play the recording once for overall comprehension. Then play the recording again for specific details.
- Tell students to note any dates, people or places they hear.
- Divide students into groups and give each group a different listening task (e.g. different questions). Then swap their answers and have students listen again and check their classmates’ answers.
- Don’t be afraid to repeat the recording, especially the parts students have most trouble understanding.
- Tell students to compare their notes and discuss what they understood in pairs or small groups.
- Encourage students to respond to what they heard. For example, where possible ask questions like Do you agree? and encourage debate.
- Tell pairs to write a summary of the main points. Then have them compare their summaries and check if they covered all the main points.
- Play the recording again and tell students to call out ‘Stop!’ when they hear the answers they were listening for.
- Put students into groups, and tell them to make a list of comprehension questions to ask each other.
- Tell students to make a list in their notebooks of any new vocabulary they feel is useful.
Remember: It’s important to give students a lot of variety in what they listen to. Try to use as many different sources of listening material as you can: advertisements, news programs, poetry, songs, extracts from plays, speeches, lectures, telephone conversations, informal dialogues … the more varied and authentic the listening practice you offer them, the more fun you’ll all have!
Listening skills: Top Tips
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