All People & Individuals articles – Page 4

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 4

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 4, while Edward is struggling with his predicament in the streets of London, Tom is having a very different, but just as troubling, experience in the palace.

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    The Prince and the Pauper: Chapter 2

    The audio and activities for this elementary-level Macmillan Reader are now available to all Staff Room members. In Chapter 2, the kind-hearted prince gives Tom an invitation to lunch, to the surprise of the guards and servants. Both boys are interested to learn how the other one lives but their ...

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    Beyond on onestopenglish

    Your teenage students will love using this fantastic series of British English lessons prepared by Karen Kovacs.

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    Topics: Christmas

    Use this jolly instalment of Adrian Tennant’s popular series and get your students into the holiday spirit.

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    Topics: Hobbies

    Get your students to talk about their favourite hobbies with this instalment of Adrian Tennant’s series, available at two levels.

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    Live from London: The monarchy

    In the weeks leading up to Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee, onestopenglish’s reporters took a trip to St James’s Park, in the shadow of Buckingham Palace, to ask locals and tourists for their opinion on the British royal family.

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    Christopher Columbus

    In this lesson plan, a fun multiple-choice quiz tests students’ knowledge of Christopher Columbus. An information-gap reading activity gets them to check their answers to the quiz. Students then read an article on Columbus and correct the factual mistakes. A vocabulary activity asks students to focus on words such as ...

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    Blackbeard the pirate

    In this lesson plan, students read about Blackbeard and then ask a partner questions about him.

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    Consumer hot topics: Problem-solving

    In this lesson plan, students listen to tips for helping someone with an eating disorder, depression or stress. They answer true/false questions and interview their partner on leading a healthy lifestyle.

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    Reading: Django Reinhardt

    A reading worksheet about the life of the virtuoso jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt. Student exercises focus on comprehension and discussion.

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    Charles Dickens

    A worksheet about the life of the famous English author Charles Dickens, whose novels include Great Expectations, David Copperfield and Oliver Twist.

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    Live from London: The economy

    Onestopenglish visits the Houses of Parliament to find out whether locals and tourists are worried about the world's economic situation.

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    Live from London: Art

    We went to Trafalgar Square to find out what tourists and visitors of the National Gallery had to say about art.

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    Live from London: News

    The onestopenglish reporters are back in London, asking locals and visitors questions about their daily lives. We went to Covent Garden and asked people about the news.

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    Live from London: Music

    The onestopenglish reporters are back in London, asking locals and visitors questions about their daily lives. We went to Covent Garden and asked people about the importance of music in their lives.

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    Spotlight on you

    A British English worksheet to write a question for each student in the class. To ask and answer questions.

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    When and what?

    A British English worksheet to ask and answer questions about daily routines.

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    Likes and dislikes

    An American English worksheet to facilitate speaking to as many partners as possible, agreeing and disagreeing with likes and dislikes.

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    Talk about routines

    An American English worksheet to play a board game by asking and answering questions about routines.

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    Live from London: New Year

    This is the second of our two Live from London 'Christmas specials'. We went to the South Bank and asked people about their resolutions for the new year.