All People & Individuals articles – Page 6
Style trial
A British English worksheet to ask and answer questions about your style of dress.
Spotlight on you
An American English worksheet to write a question for each student in the class. To ask and answer questions.
What does that represent?
An American English worksheet to practice asking and answering personal information questions.
Star qualities
An American English worksheet to fill in a chart by asking and answering questions about appearance and character. To use this information to match people to their star signs.
Star qualities
A British English worksheet to fill in a chart by asking and answering questions about appearance and character. To use this information to match people to their star signs.
Ten years from now
An American English worksheet to make predictions about what people will be doing ten years from now.
What's the matter?
An American English worksheet to speak to as many partners as possible, giving advice for health complaints.
Someone like me
An American English worksheet to practice adjectives with -ed and -ing endings by completing a questionnaire.
Whose life is it?
An American English worksheet to fill in a questionnaire anonymously. To read questionnaires completed by other members of the class and to guess who wrote them.
Whose life is it?
A British English worksheet to fill in a questionnaire anonymously. To read questionnaires completed by other members of the class and to guess who wrote them.
The river of life
A British English worksheet to ask and answer questions about your life now and in the past.
This may be your life
An American English worksheet to ask and answer questions in a survey about your life in the future.
The river of life
An American English worksheet to ask and answer questions about your life now and in the past.
Snakes and ladders
An American English worksheet to practice describing experiences in the present perfect.
My kind of people
A British English worksheet to write sentences about people, places, and times.
How many uses can you think of?
A British English worksheet to invent unusual uses for ordinary objects.
Sentences in a hat
An American English worksheet to complete unfinished sentences. To pick sentences out of a hat and find out who wrote them by asking questions.
Sentences in a hat
A British English worksheet to complete unfinished sentences. To pick sentences out of a hat and find out who wrote them by asking questions.