All Printable Worksheet articles – Page 93
Business Skills Bank: Giving Presentations
This Business Skills lesson plan presents common features of presentations and practises useful language.
Young learner games: Spell well
A game to help students practise spelling words together.
Young Learner Festivals: Bonfire night
Talk to your young learners about bonfire night using these fun games and activities.
Reading lesson plans: Pearls
Students complete a series of activities based on a text about pearls.
British English vocabulary lessons: the letter S
S is for schools, shoes, shopping, sports and stationery.
British English vocabulary lessons: the letter H
H is for hospital, happy and sad, humour and honesty.
British English vocabulary lessons: the letter C
C is for cinema, climate, clothes and colour.
Flashcards: The weather
A set of downloadable flashcards on the topic of the weather to print and use in class.
Flashcards: Colours
A set of downloadable flashcards on the topic of colours to print and use in class.
Personal profile builder and CV builder
This activity can be used with pre-service learners; learners who are looking for a new job and those who work in the recruitment area of HR. This profile can then be inserted into a complete CV which can be created using the CV Builder worksheet and lesson plan.
Reading lesson plans: Weddings
Students complete a series of activities based on a text about weddings.