All Professional Development articles – Page 21
Explanations: Geography
Keith Kelly looks at examples of language used in delivering questions and explanations from the area of geography, covering wh- question words, statements as questions, asking for explanations, possibility and uncertainty, explaining a process and conjunction phrases.
Your English: Collocations: dilemma
Never fear! Tim Bowen’s here to resolve your collocation dilemmas.
Your English: Idioms: word
Not for the first time, Tim Bowen’s article on idioms is too brilliant for words.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: look
Why not look to Tim Bowen for guidance on how to correctly assemble phrasal verbs?
Your English: Word grammar: loose
If you’re at a loose end, why not read this word grammar article by Tim Bowen?
Your English: Collocations: deadline
Have you ever missed a deadline? Tim Bowen counts down a number of useful collocations.
Your English: Idioms: heaven
Heaven only knows how we’d all cope without Tim Bowen’s informative articles on idioms!
Your English: Phrasal verbs: lie
Responsibility for learning phrasal verbs lies with you and your students but Tim Bowen’s here to help with the challenges that lie ahead.
Your English: Word grammar: heavy
Grammar needn’t be heavy going with Tim Bowen here to lighten your load.
The language of learning across the curriculum
In this article, John Clegg talks about the importance of explicitly teaching general academic language, particularly for learners of a subject in L2.
Tech Tools for Teachers: Word Clouds
In the third instalment of his series, Nik Peachey looks at word clouds and how they can be used to help students develop their vocabulary, understanding of syntax and reading and speaking skills. Nik provides a comprehensive overview article on word clouds, a downloadable lesson plan, and a printable how-to guide.
Change: Geography
Keith Kelly provides a comprehensive lesson plan, with both a language and content focus, accompanied by a list of verbs and nouns associated with change and interaction from the area of geography.
Your English: Collocations: climate
How are you coping in the current economic climate? Tim Bowen is here to help with a shower of collocations.
Your English: Idioms: hell
Our resident hellraiser, Tim Bowen, recalls a story about some neighbours from hell.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: let
Tim Bowen will never let you down when it comes to phrasal verbs.
Tech Tools for Teachers: Digital Narrative
In the second instalment of his series, Nik Peachey looks at digital narrative and how it can be used to help students develop their communication skills both inside and outside the classroom. Nik provides a comprehensive overview article on digital narrative, a downloadable lesson plan and a printable how-to guide.
Roots: Science
Keith Kelly provides a comprehensive lesson plan with both a language and content focus accompanied by an alphabetical list of root words used in forming words from the area of science.
Your English: Collocations: optimism
Tim Bowen is buoyantly optimistic that you can apply and teach these collocations with ease.