All Professional Development articles – Page 33
Your English: Idioms: food
Tim Bowen gives us plenty of food for thought with his interesting explanation of some of the many idioms associated with this yummy subject.
TKT: Module 1: Part 1: Language skills: Lesson plan
These practice materials are designed to help you with Module 1: Part 1: Language skills. In these materials you will think about the four skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing in terms of subskills.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: break
Tim Bowen makes a breakthrough in explaining the sometimes confusing phrasal verbs associated with this word.
The Many Faces of CLIL
This free factsheet from Uncovering CLIL provides a quick overview of the different educational approaches that come under this umbrella term. Includes background information on language showers and suggested activities.
Your English: Word grammar: though
Thoughis often used to imply that a statement is untrue. Tim Bowen's explanation of this interesting conjunction is completely true, though!
Your English: Collocations: hit
Tim Bowen really hits the nail on the head with his discussion of the collocates of this versatile word.
Your English: Idioms: work
Our resident workaholic, Tim Bowen, works wonders with his discussion of the idioms relating to this word.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: pick
Tim Bowen picks out a few quirky examples of this sometimes suggestive phrasal verb.
Lesson Share: How should CLIL work in practice?
A thought-provoking article by Alex Mackenzie on how CLIL really is working in practice at his school.
Your English: Word grammar: yet
Yet again Tim Bowen provides us with another handy grammar byte.
Your English: Collocations: bear
Tim Bowen bears the burden of explaining the collocates of this interesting word. Just dont bear a grudge against him.
Your English: Idioms: sleep
Tim Bowen explains this word with such pizzazz, he probably writes articles like this in his sleep.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: fall
Tim Bowen goes into some detail about the dire consequences of falling for his advice.
Your English: Collocations: set
Tim Bowen sets out to explore the many varied collocates of this verb.
Your English: Idioms: drunk
Tim Bowen goes synonym-crazy and takes us through the many different ways to say that someone is drunk (has had too much alcohol).
Your English: Phrasal verbs: step
Tim Bowen steps forward to offer his explanation of how this versatile word can be used to form several different phrasal verbs.
Extreme makeover
Mark Powell talks about international Business English and its need for an extreme makeover, dicussing alternatives such as Globish and English as a lingua franca.
Your English: Collocations: draw
Tim Bowen draws attention to the collocates of this versatile word.
Your English: Word grammar: quite
Tim Bowen provides some humorous examples of confusing quite with quiet.
Sensational sales
Mark Powell challenges the view that the art of selling is attending to the precise language your customers use and matching their sensory preferences by choosing similarly loaded language.