All Professional Development articles – Page 38
Speaking matters: Pairwork
Adrian Tennant gives an introduction to using pairwork for teaching speaking skills.
Business teaching approaches: Role-play and simulations
Chris Barwood explains how simulations can be used as an effective teaching technique in business English classes, and offers a sample lesson plan that simulates a business meeting.
Past perfect aspect – article
An article by Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield on ways to approach teaching the past perfect aspect.
Present perfect aspect – article
An article by Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield on ways to approach teaching the present perfect aspect.
Countability and noun types - article
An article on ways to approach teaching countability and noun types.
Prepositions of time and place - article
An article on different approaches to teaching the prepositions of time and place, at, in and on.
Prepositions relating to movement and position - article
An article outlining teaching approaches for prepositions relating to movement.
Relative clauses in English - article
An article on ways to approach teaching relative clauses in English.
The passive in English – article
An article by Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield on approaches to teaching the passive in English.
Differences in American and British English grammar - article
An article by Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield on recognizing grammatical differences between American and British English.
Past perfect aspect – tips and activities
Tips and ideas from Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield on teaching the past perfect aspect.
Present perfect aspect – tips and activities
Tips and ideas from Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield on teaching the present perfect aspect.
Differences in American and British English grammar - tips and activities
Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield provide a selection of useful tips and ideas for recognizing grammatical differences between American and British English.
Countability and noun types - tips and activities
Tips and activities for teaching countability and noun types.
Prepositions of time and place - tips and activities
Teaching tips and suggestions for teaching the prepositions of time and place, at, on and in.
Prepositions relating to movement and position - tips and activities
Tips and activities to help you teach prepositions relating to movement and position.
Relative clauses in English – tips and activities
Tips and suggestions for teaching relative clauses in English.
Reported speech – tips and activities
Tips and ideas from Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield on teaching reported speech.
Reported speech 2 – article
An article by Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield on approaches to teaching reported speech.