All Travel articles – Page 13
Words into numbers
A British English worksheet: In this puzzle, the clues are the areas of countries. Read the words and put the numbers into the grid.
Mistakes on the signpost
A British English worksheet to correct the spelling mistakes in the words on the signpost.
Round the world in ten minutes
A British English worksheet to talk about things you've done and things you haven't done yet by playing a board game.
An American English worksheet to write a description of a picture. To listen to the description of a picture and draw it.
A British English worksheet to write a description of a picture. To listen to the description of a picture and draw it.
IELTS: Interpreting maps - teacher's notes
Help students to prepare for Task 1 in the academic writing component of the IELTS exam.
How was your vacation?
An American English worksheet to speak to as many partners as possible, asking and answering questions about a vacation.
A holiday to remember
A British English worksheet to describe a holiday using pictures and to collect information and fill in a chart about other students' holidays.
On holiday
A British English worksheet to predict which activities a partner likes or doesn't like doing on holiday and to find out how many predictions were right.
A good place to live
An American English worksheet to compare your ideal place to live with where you are living now.
A good place to live
A British English worksheet to compare your ideal place to live with where you are living now.
Getting ready to go
An American English worksheet to speak to as many partners as possible, asking and answering questions about travel plans.
Getting ready to go
A British English worksheet to speak to as many partners as possible, asking and answering questions about travel plans.
Teenagers: Grammar: Grammar games
Some games to help teach grammar to teenagers and young learners.
Functional language: Riding the metro
A functional language speaking lesson by Lindsay Clandfield, where students practise giving directions for a metro system in a city.
Find your place
To practice asking and answering information questions in the present simple.
Festival mix up
An American English worksheet to practice reading and recognizing the present and past tenses.