All Up to 15 mins articles – Page 31
Verb backgammon
A British English worksheet to use the backgammon pieces to change each short word into a verb.
Lesson Share: Memory games: Clap back
Clap back is good for breaking the ice in a lesson, getting a little energy into the classroom, improving pronunciation and developing general memory skills.
Titles and authors
A British English worksheet to read out the names of the authors and write down the sentence or phrase which sounds exactly the same.
Lesson Share: Pictures: Auction game
This exercise involves students bidding on items in an auction, and is good for writing practice and discussion.
Lesson Share: Pictures: Art gallery
A fun warmer where students create an art gallery on the board.
Electrical appliances
A British English worksheet to unscramble the letters to name the electrical appliances and complete the grid.
Lesson Share: Discussions: One minute, any topic (any time)!
This is an all-time favourite among the students I've taught over the years as it energizes students and enables students to practise listening and speaking.
Reveal the answers
A British English worksheet to complete sentences and find the answer in the wordsearch.
Lesson Share: Exchanging information: Don't answer back
I got this idea from a quiz show on a radio programme last year. It guarantees confusion and lots of laughter in the classroom, perfect for teenagers.
Lesson Share: Team games: Anagram race
An exercise which involves making short words out of a longer word.
Lesson Share: Team games: The alphabet code
This activity is an excellent way to revise vocabulary or build up a new lexical set.
It's all wrong
An American English worksheet to practice giving reasons why things are wrong.
Album tracks
A British English worksheet to complete titles of a Michael Jackson album by reading clues.
Mistakes at the airport
A British English worksheet: In each of the signs, there is a spelling mistake (an extra letter). For each one, correct the mistake and put the extra letter in the small square.
Lesson Share: Pictures: Sounds like good advice
An exercise which uses sound effects as the basis for providing advice for problems.
Add two letters
A British English worksheet to complete the puzzle by adding two letters to each word to make new words.
Add three letters
A British English worksheet to add three letters to each word to form a new word using the pictures to help.
Lesson Share: Grammar activities: Can do / can't do
An activity that is likely to lead to disagreement and discussion!