All Up to 60 mins articles – Page 9
Celebrations: Christmas Cracker Quiz
In this lesson and Christmas quiz, students read about the history of a great British tradition—the Christmas cracker!
Online Education: Bridging the gap—No learner left behind
Joanne Ramsden provides strategies to help young learners and teens bridge the knowledge gap resulting from the closure of schools due to the pandemic.
Online Education: Learning for themselves—developing learner independence
Anna Hasper examines what learner independence means and gives practical suggestions to help young learners take more responsibility for their learning.
Online Education: Befriending the anxious mind—mindfully
Emma Reynolds, an accredited Mindfulness teacher, explores how teachers can help learners to deal with difficult emotions and stay calm, focussed and present as they return to a “new normal” in the online classroom.
Online Education: Assessing students’ needs and lacks
Chia Suan Chong looks at different ways teachers can use diagnostic testing, integrative testing, and self-assessment to help their students learn more effectively.
Online Education: Evaluation and Assessment when Teaching Online
Russell Stannard explores how to use online tools to informally evaluate and assess learners.
Online Education: Online Safety
Jo Budden explores the impact that increased use of online technology can have on children’s safety.
Language for… helping others to understand you
In this lesson, students will learn essential phrases and strategies to effectively communicate their ideas.
Online Education: Engaging Teens? It’s Not All About Technology …
Anna Hasper looks at the importance of engaging teenage learners.
Online Education: Online Lessons that Are Active and Interactive
Mike Hogan looks at how to deliver online lessons that will maximise learner-learner and learner-teacher interactivity.
Language for… home repairs
In this lesson, students will learn essential phrases for everyday discussions concerning home repairs.
Celebrations: Inti Raymi—The festival of the sun
In this lesson, available at two levels, students read texts about the historical festival of Inti Raymi in modern day South America.
Online Education: Parents as Temporary Teachers
Pete Clements looks at the value of parents as a resource for teachers, and how to involve them in their children’s learning.
Online Education: Attending to Our Students’ Well-being
Chia Suan Chong explores ways that teachers who are teaching online can support the well-being of their learners.
Celebrations: Cinco de Mayo
In this lesson, available at two levels, students read a text about Cinco de Mayo and create a multiple-choice quiz for others to do.
Language for… medical emergencies
In this lesson, students will learn important phrases and vocabulary related to health, the human body, and contacting emergency services.
Everyday life: Describing your area/neighbourhood
In this lesson, available at two levels, students describe changes to an area they live in (or know well).
Celebrations: Coming Of Age
In this lesson, available at two levels, students read and discuss four short texts about four different coming-of-age celebrations worldwide.
Language for… clothes shopping
In this lesson, students will learn essential expressions and vocabulary for common conversations in a clothing store.
Everyday life: Getting to work
In this lesson, available at two levels, students ask and answer questions about their journey to work.