All Vocabulary articles – Page 57
Ten years from now
An American English worksheet to make predictions about what people will be doing ten years from now.
Writing skills: news story
To help students produce writing with a higher occurrence of lexical variation, complex sentences and appropriate use of passive structures.
Mixed vegetables
A British English worksheet to put the letters of each word in the correct order then put the words in the corrext place to complete the crossword.
Mistakes on the signpost
A British English worksheet to correct the spelling mistakes in the words on the signpost.
Typing mistakes
A British English worksheet to fill in the missing letters and correct the typing mistakes.
Minimal resources: Teaching vocabulary
Adrian Tennant gives us some useful tips and ideas for teaching vocabulary with minimal resources.
What's on the menu?
A British English worksheet to complete word puzzles using food vocabulary.
Which medicine?
Put the letters into the correct order to find out which medicine each person should take for their illness.
What do they really mean?
A British English worksheet to find the correct meaning for each of the road signs.
What's the matter?
An American English worksheet to speak to as many partners as possible, giving advice for health complaints.
Project management
In this lesson by Barney Barrett, students examine, discuss and use the language of project planning and management applied to an ongoing project at the learner’s company.
Shopping list
A British English worksheet to put the missing vowels into the words and then complete the shopping list.
Letters or words?
A British English worksheet to complete the list of letters that sound exactly like English words.
Missing letters
A British English worksheet to add the missing letters to the words using the pictures to help.
Shapes and letters
A British English worksheet to use the letters in the shapes to make the words in the boxes and answer the question.
The legal profession
Students practise and expand vocabulary and phrases associated with describing the field of law.
More logical laws
A British English worksheet to match the first half of the logical laws with the correct second half.
Teenagers: Warmers: Lateral thinking
A fun activity to practise questions forms and a wide range of vocabulary.